Sunday, January 31, 2010

Consumer Warning

Sunday is laundry day and doing laundry at college always stinks. Inevitably, the dryers are broken and the washers are full. Meanwhile, you're struggling to balance an overflowing hamper, a bottle of detergent, fabric softener, and a box of dryer sheets.

Honestly, there's no avoiding the first two, but supposedly there's a new product to eliminate the third: Purex's Three-in-One Laundry Sheets. So, I tried them and was amazed at how easy it was to just toss them in with the load and be done forever with detergent, softener, and dryer sheets. But. . . there's on old warning: "If it sounds to good to be true, then it probably is."

Well, once again the old adage proved correct. Unfortunately, these super convenient sheets ruin all of your clothes. They spot everything and as if that wasn't bad enough they also stain all of the armpits brown. Yuck! So, I just wanted to post a consumer warning. If you're planning on using these laundry sheets, be prepared to be disappointed.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Everybody was Snowball Fighting, Those Vols Were as Fast as Lightning. . .

Neyland Stadium in the Snow!!!

Snow Buddies!!!

Take Cover! The Fight is on!!

Snow Man in Progress. . .

Why yes, I am acting like an 8 year-old

In case you haven't been following the weather in Tennessee, I'll clue you in on a miracle: We had snow! Crazy, right?! I'm not talking about a dusting, either. It was a blizzard. . . comparatively speaking. haha.

And of course, the Volunteers know how to party on a Snow day. We sledded; we build snow men; we made snow angels; and we had an epic snowball fight in Presidential court at 2 in the morning. Then once we were all sufficiently chilled to the bone, we returned to our dorms and drank hot chocolate. All in all, it was the perfect Friday night.

Friday, January 29, 2010

The Life of Beka: Sparknotes Edition

So, I haven't been the most avid blogger thus far in 2010, but I figured you'd rather have the spark note version of my life anyway. haha. Here it goes:

I made a lot of promises to myself about the year and have succeeded in breaking every one of them. I have eaten junk food, been a couch potato, and used shopping sprees to relieve stress. I feel like I deserved to break my last resolution, though, because I have been incredibly stressed seeing as I took on too many hours this semester despite the warnings of the older and wiser. I am now trying to balance Biology 140, Chemistry 130, Math 142 (Calculus II), and intensive French 223. That comes to a grand total of 18 hours and no social life. Meanwhile, what free time I have left is currently devoted to the application process to become an R.A. and an S.A.A. next year.

To top all this off, my hypochondriac tendencies have resulted in sympathy sickness for my best friend, who just got the swine flu. So, that's my life at the moment. Cue the sad violin. haha.